Permanent locking of LISTA (LIP-016)
Overview of the Change
Lista DAO has successfully passed LIP-016 to introduce a permanent token lock mechanism, enhancing the deflationary characteristics of LISTA. This update replaces the previous redistribution model by permanently locking LISTA tokens in a new and irretrievable contract address, effectively removing them from circulation.
This strategic shift aims to:
Reduce the circulating supply of LISTA over time.
Enhance long-term value appreciation.
Align with ecosystem sustainability by implementing a continuous deflationary model.
40% of weekly revenue will continue to be used for purchasing LISTA from the open market.
Instead of being locked in veLISTA, the tokens will be sent to a permanent freeze address.
The LISTA tokens in this address cannot be withdrawn, transferred, or utilized in any way.
Freeze Address Details
The new freeze contract ensures that all LISTA tokens sent to it are permanently removed from circulation, reinforcing the protocol’s deflationary model.
Freeze Address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
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